
              Canon Solution Menu EX Version 1.0.0
                        Microsoft Windows
                *** Copyright CANON INC. 2010 ***

< Contents >

 About Trademarks
 Installation Components

Restriction on Use of Solution Menu EX


< Foreword >

  Thank you for using Canon Solution Menu EX.
  This product can immediately start the manuals or application
  software that allows you to print album or calendar easily,
  or scan photos and documents.
  Furthermore, you can easily access to the Canon's websites
  which support the various uses.

< About Trademarks >

  Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
  Windows is a trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft
  Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
  Windows Vista is a trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft
  Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
  All brand names and product names mentioned in this document are
  trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

< Installation Components >

  This product includes the following items:

  Canon Solution Menu EX (hereafter called Solution Menu EX)
    Solution Menu EX is an application software that allows you
    to start other applications quickly from the desktop, or access
    to the Canon's websites easily.

    This deletes unnecessary files related to Solution Menu EX.

  Solution Menu EX Readme (Readme.txt)
    This file. It provides important information about
    Solution Menu EX.
    When you are finished with installation, select [Start]-
    [All Programs]-[Canon Utilities]-[Solution Menu EX]-
    [Solution Menu EX Readme] to display the contents of this file.

Restriction on Use of Solution Menu EX

  The following restriction is placed on the use of this product.
  Pay attention to this restriction before use.

  - When the Windows Sidebar is displayed in Windows Vista,
    the Desktop Accessory of Solution Menu EX may hide behind the
    Windows Sidebar and not be able to access by the mouse.
    In that case, double-click icon in the notification area of the
    taskbar to move the Desktop Accessory to the front of
    the Windows Sidebar.
    It is recommended to drag the Desktop Accessory out of the
    Windows Sidebar after moving it to the front.