
      Canon Utilities Easy-WebPrint EX Installer Version 1.0.2
                    Microsoft Windows
           *** Copyright CANON INC. 2009 ***

< Contents >

 About Trademarks
 Installation Component

System Requirements


< Foreword >

  Thank you for using Canon Easy-WebPrint EX.
  This product is software that downloads and installs
  the Canon Easy-WebPrint EX setup from a website.

  Canon Easy-WebPrint EX is plug-in for
  Windows Internet Explorer 7.0 or later.
  It features various functions for printing web pages including
  the print preview function, clipping function and layout 
  editing function.
  Canon Easy-WebPrint EX appears as a toolbar in the 
  Internet Explorer window.

< About Trademarks >

  Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
  Windows is a trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft
  Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
  Windows Vista is a trademark or registered trademark of
  Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
  Internet Explorer is a trademark or registered trademark of
  Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
  All brand names and product names mentioned in this document are
  trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

< Installation Component >

  This product includes the following item.

   Downloads and installs Canon Easy-WebPrint EX on your computer.

System Requirements
  System requirements for downloading and using
  Canon Easy-WebPrint EX are:

  Operating System
  - Microsoft Windows XP
  - Windows Vista
  - Windows 7

  - Windows Internet Explorer 7.0 and later

  Canon Easy-WebPrint EX can be installed only when the following
  conditions are satisfied.
  - The computer is connected to the Internet.
  - Windows Internet Explorer 7.0 or later is installed
     on the computer.